
Saturday, June 4, 2016

Salivary Glands MCQS

1)  Normal PH of saliva ranges from
a.   4.7 to 5.4
b.   5.7 to 6.4
c.    6.7 to 7.4
d.   7.7 to 8.4

2)  Parotid saliva may have PH up to
a.   7.8
b.   8.8
c.    9.8
d.   10.8

3)  Of the total amount of saliva secreted by all the salivary glands, about 30% is secreted by the
a.   Parotid gland
b.   Sublingual gland
c.    Submandibular gland
d.   None of the above

4)  Of the total amount of saliva secreted by all the salivary glands, about 5% is secreted by the
a.   Parotid gland
b.   Sublingual gland
c.    Submandibular gland
d.   None of the above

5)  The lubrication of the mouth  is due to
a.   Mucin
b.   Ammonia
c.    Amino acids
d.   Bicarbonates

6)  Following takes part in the pellicle formation
a.   Proteins
b.   Glycoproteins
c.    Mucin
d.   All of the above

7)  Cathelicidin LL-37 present in saliva takes part in
a)   Physical barrier against pathogens
b)  Immune defense
c)    Nonimmune defense
d)  All of the above

8)  Which Ig is present in the saliva?
a.   IgA
b.   IgG
c.    IgM
d.   None of the above

9)  Which Ig is present in the saliva?
e.   IgA
f.      IgG
g.    IgM
h.   All of the above

10)        Trefoil proteins present in the saliva takes part in
a.   Immunity
b.   Taste
c.    Tooth integrity
d.   Tissue repair

11)        Statherin proteins present in the saliva takes part in
a.   Immunity
b.   Taste
c.    Tooth integrity
d.   Tissue repair

12)        Aciidic proline rich proteins present in the saliva takes part in
a.   Immunity
b.   Taste
c.    Tooth integrity
d.   Tissue repair

13)        Bartholin’s duct drains the
a.   Sublingual gland
b.   Parotid
c.    Lacrimal gland
d.   Submandibular gland

14)        Stenson’s duct drains the
a.   Sublingual gland
b.   Parotid
c.    Lacrimal gland
d.   Submandibular gland

15)        Ducts of Rivinus drains the
a.   Sublingual gland
b.   Parotid
c.    Lacrimal gland
d.   Submandibular gland

16)        Wharton’s  duct opens at (near)
a.   Buccal mucosa opposite to maxillary 2nd molar
b.   Sublingual papillae lateral to lingual frenum
c.    Submandibular gland
d.   Floor of the mouth
17)        Stenson’s duct opens at (near)

a.   Buccal mucosa opposite to maxillary 2nd molar
b.   Sublingual papillae lateral to lingual frenum
c.    Submandibular gland
d.   Floor of the mouth

18)        Bartholin’s duct opens at (near)
a.   Buccal mucosa opposite to maxillary 2nd molar
b.   Sublingual papillae lateral to lingual frenum
c.    Submandibular gland
d.   Floor of the mouth

19)        Ducts of rivinus opens at (near)
a.   Buccal mucosa opposite to maxillary 2nd molar
b.   Sublingual papillae lateral to lingual frenum
c.    Submandibular gland
d.   Floor of the mouth

20)        The parasympathetic (secretomotor) supply of submandibular gland is through
a.   Chorda tympani nerve
b.   Glossopharyngeal nerve
c.    Vagus nerve
d.   Auriculotemporal nerve

21)        The parasympathetic (secretomotor) supply of sublingual gland is through
a.   Chorda tympani nerve
b.   Glossopharyngeal nerve
c.    Vagus nerve
d.   Auriculotemporal nerve

22)        The parasympathetic (secretomotor) supply of parotid gland is through
a.   Chorda tympani nerve
b.   Glossopharyngeal nerve
c.    Vagus nerve
d.   Auriculotemporal nerve

23)        Copious, watery saliva is produced by the stimulation of
a.   Sympathetic nerve
b.   Parasympathetic nerve
c.    Both of them
d.   None of them

24)        Thicker and viscous saliva is produced by the stimulation of
a.   Sympathetic nerve
b.   Parasympathetic nerve
c.    Both of them
d.   None of them

25)        Taste sensation is mainly related to
a.   Amylase
b.   Bicarbonate
c.    Gustin
d.   Glycoprotein

26)        Which of the following minor glands are divided into anterior and posterior region glands
a.   Palatal minor salivary glands
b.   Buccal minor salivary glands
c.    Lingual minor salivary glands
d.   Retromolar glands

27)        Glands of Blandin and Nuhn are found in
a.   Pancreas
b.   Skin
c.    Liver
d.   Oral cavity

28)        Glands of Blandin and Nuhn are
a.   Glands at apex of tongue
b.   Anterior lingual glands
c.    Posterior lingual glands
d.   Glosso palatine glands

29)        Von Ebner’s  glands are
a.   Purely serous
b.   Purely mucous
c.    Mixed
d.   None of the above

30)        The gland’s present in between the muscle fibers of the tongue below vallate papillae are
a.   Sublingual gland
b.   Lacrimal gland
c.    Submandibular gland
d.   Von Ebner’s gland

31)        Which of the following glands are purely mucous?
a.   Glossopalatine and palatine glands
b.   Labial and buccal minor salivary glands
c.    Von ebner;s glands
d.   All of the above

32)        Labial and buccal minor salivary glands are
a.   Purely serous
b.   Purely mucous
c.    Mixed
d.   None of the above

33)        Adenosine is present in the saliva in the form of
a.   c GMP
b.   c AMP
c.    c UMP
d.   c CMP
34)        Mucin in mucous cell is usually demonstrated by
a.   Mucicarnine stain
b.   Mucihematen
c.    Both a and b
d.   Mallory stain

35)        Which of the following are used to localize the acid mucins?
a.   Alcian blue and toluidine blue
b.   Colloidal iron
c.    Aldehyde fuschin method
d.   All of the above


From Dental Pulse
37)        Normal PH of saliva is about
a.   5.5
b.   9.5
c.    7.5
d.   8.5

38)        Of the total amount of saliva secreted by all the salivary glands, about 60% is secreted by the
39)         Parotid gland
40)         Sublingual gland
41)         Submandibular gland
42)         None of the above

43)        The neutralization of saliva is due to
e.   Mucin
f.      Ammonia
g.    Amino acids
h.   Bicarbonates

44)        Wharton’s duct drains the
a.   Pancreas
b.   Parotid
c.    Lacrimal gland
d.   Submandibular gland

45)        Among various glands, salivary gland secretion is unique in that, its secretions are controlled by
a.   Hormones
b.   Nerves
c.    Chemicals
d.   All of the above

46)        The content of saliva includes all except
a.   Amylase
b.   Urea
c.    lysozyme
d.   Lipase

47)        The duct(s) of gland(s) opening into the floor of the mouth is(are)
a.   Submandibular and sublingual
b.   Submandibular and parotid
c.    Sublingual and parotid
d.   Von Ebner

48)        Sublingual gland is a
a.   Mixed gland
b.   Serous gland
c.    Mucous gland
d.   Present in root of tongue

49)        Saliva is secreted by
a.   Major salivary glands
b.   Minor salivary glands
c.    Major and minor salivary glands
d.   Parotid glands

50)        Bartholins gland is the name of
a.   Parotid gland
b.   Submandibular gland
c.    Sublingual gland
d.   Lacrimal gland    

51)        Which of the following is correct about serous gland
a.   They are specialized for the synthesis, storage and secretion of proteins
b.   They contain secretary granules in the apical cytoplasm and the secretion of the granule content occurs by “exocytosis”
c.    Serous cells are pyramidal in shape
d.   All of the above

52)        True about myoepithelial cell
a.   Also known as basket cell
b.   Structure is similar to smooth muscle and contain actin and myosin
c.    The cell expel secretions by contraction
d.   All of the above

53)        Main function of salivary duct is
a.   To convey the saliva secreted by terminal salivary units to oral cavity
b.   Antimicrobial action by secreting lysosomes and lactoferrin
c.    Synthesis of secretary glycoproteins by kallikrein, an enzyme in striated duct cell
d.   None all the above

54)        Which of the following is correct
a.   Parotid - stenson’s – pure serous
b.   Submandibular – wharton’s gland – mixed and predominantly serous
c.    Sublingiual gland – barthonlin duct – mixed and predominantly mucous
d.   All of the above

55)        Serous demilunes are seen in
a.   Salivary glands
b.   Pancreas
c.    Liver
d.   Gastric glands

56)        Vonebners glands are
A.  Glands at apex of tongue
B.   Posterior lingual mucous glands
C.   Posterior lingual serous glands
D.  Glosso palatine glands

57)        Total volume of saliva secreted by submandibular gland daily is
a.   750ml
b.   450ml
c.    1500ml
d.   1000ml

58)        Pure mucous glands are
a.   Labial and buccal glands
b.   Glosso palatine and palatine glands
c.    Vonebners glands
d.   Lingual glands

59)         Acid neutralizing substance in saliva is
a.   NH3
b.   Carbonate
c.    Bicarbonate
d.   Chloride

60)        The glands of Bladin and Nuhn are
a.   The posterior lingual glands
b.   The anterior lingual glands located at the apex of tongue
c.    The glossopalatine glands
d.   The palatine glands

61)        A purine which is found in saliva is
a.   Uric acid
b.   Thymine
c.    Adenosine
d.   Hypolithinium

62)        Which of the following is not present in saliva
a.   Lysosome
b.   Phosphate
c.    Bicarbonate
d.   Trypsin

63)        An enzyme present in saliva which causes cell wall lysis
a.   Lysozyme
b.   Peroxidase
c.    Lactoferin
d.   Hyaluronidase

64)        Mucin in mucous cell is usually demonstrated by
e.   Pap stain
f.      H and E stain
g.    Mucicarnine stain
h.   Mallory stain

65)        The fuctions of myoepithelial cells is may be
a.   Initiating contraction
b.   Support for the end piece during active secretion of saliva
c.    Provide signals to the acinar secretary cells for structural organization
d.   All of the above

66)        Myoepithelial cells are present in
a.   Striated duct
b.   Intercalated and terminal duct
c.    Serous cells
d.   Mucous cells

67)        Carmalt’s glands are
a.   Major salivary glands
b.   Minor salivary glands (Retromolar)
c.    Minor salivary glands (Lingual)
d.   Taste buds

68)        Saliva which is formed in salivary glands, when passes from salivary glands to duct orifices, it undergoes numerous ion exchanges and as a result saliva becomes …………….. as compared to plasma:
a.   Hypertonic sometimes
b.   Hypotonic
c.    Isotonic
d.   Hypertonic always

69)        Tuft cells are receptors seen in
a.   Cell rich zone
b.   Lining of maxillary sinus
c.    Salivary duct
d.   TMJ capsule