
Saturday, June 4, 2016

Tooth Eruption and Shedding MCQS

( Histology)

1)  In resorption of the primary teeth, the dental pulp
a.   Plays a passive role
b.   Becomes a fibrotic non-vital mass
c.    Initiates resorption from the inner surface of the roots
d.   Aids in formation of secondary dentin slowing down resorption

2)  Movement of the tooth to close the intermaxillary gap during eruption is due to
a.   Physiologic tooth migration
b.   Active eruption
c.    Passive eruption
d.   None of  the above

3)  Tooth eruption is due to
a.   Osteoclastic activity
b.   Proliferation of cells at crypt
c.    Exfoliation of primary tooth
d.   Eruptive forces
4)  Teeth without antagonist if erupts is called
a.   Stable
b.   Over erupted
c.    Supra erupted
d.   Submerged

5)   Resorption of dental tissue is caused by
a.   Osteoclasts
b.   Osteoblasts
c.    Odontoclasts
d.   Odontoblasts

6)  The most accepted theory of tooth eruption is
a.   Hydrodynamic theory
b.   Clone theory
c.    Periodontal ligament traction theory
d.   Vascular theory

7)  Gubernacular canal guides the eruption of
a.   Primary teeth
b.   Permanent teeth
c.    Both A and B
d.   None of the above

8)  Which of the following statement is false?
a.   Resorption of roots of deciduous incisors and canine begins on their lingual surfaces
b.   Resorption of roots of deciduous molars begins on their inner surfaces
c.    Shedding of deciduous teeth is delays in the absence of their successor teeth
d.   None of the above

9)  Tooth bud of permanent mandibular incisors are situated
a.   Lingual to primary teeth
b.   Inferior to primary teeth
c.    Labial to primary teeth
d.   A and B

10)                    Hammock ligament is present
a.   Between temporal and sphenoid bone
b.   Between hamular notch and mandible
c.    In apical area of a tooth
d.   As a part of deep cervical fascia

11)                    Epithelial attachment is derived from
a.   Reduced enamel epithelium
b.   Dental papilla
c.    Inner enamel epithelium
d.   Dental sac

12)                    Which enzyme is associated with the mineralization?
a.   Acid phosphatase
b.   Alkaline phosphatase
c.    Adenosine triphosphate
d.   Amino peptidase

13)                    A suitable fixative for a routine biopsy specimen is
a.   10% formalin
b.   40% formalin
c.    20% formalin
d.   10% alcohol

14)                    Oral tissue for microscopic examination is prepared
a.   Embedded in paraffin and sectioned
b.   Embedded in paradion and sectioned
c.    Frozen and sectioned
d.   Specimens ground into thin sections
e.   All of the above

15)                    Dehydration of specimen is carried out by
a.   By using 10% formalin
b.   By using liquid or solid CO2
c.    By using increasing % of alcohol
d.   By using 5 % nitric acid
16)                     Extracted tooth should be preserved in
a.   Saline
b.   Xylene
c.    10% formalin
d.   10% alcohol
17)                    Frozen sections can be used for the demonstration of
a.   Fat
b.   Mucin
c.    Cartilage
d.   Iron
18)                    Specific stain for fat cell is
a.   Eosin and hematoxylin
b.   Carbol fuschin
c.    Sudan III
d.   cresyl violet
19)                    The cells, which are responsible for removal of bone matrix in bone resorption are
a.   Osteoblast
b.   Fibrocytes
c.    Polymorphs
d.   Osteoclasts

20)                    The apical foramen of a fully developed permanent tooth is usually lined by
a.   Dentin
b.   Cementum
c.    Epithelial rest cells
d.   The epithelial diaphragm

21)                    Gubernacular canal and gubernacular cord are seen in relation to
a.   Permanent teeth
b.   Deciduous teeth
c.    Succedaneous teeth
d.   None of the above

22)                     Which of the following is incorrect?
a.   During shedding resorption of deciduous anteriors  occurs on lingual surfaces of roots
b.   Odontoclasts are characterized by high level of enzymes “ acid phosphatase”
c.    Upper lateral incisors are most commonly retained deciduous teeth
d.   Submerged/ ankylosed teeth are permanent teeth

23)                    Accentuated incremental lines in dentin are
a.   Incremental lines of retzius
b.   Incremental lines of Von Ebner
c.    Counter lines of Owen
d.   None of the above

24)                     Osteoblasts appear basic gram staining due to
a.   Increased ribonucleic acid
b.   Acidic ground substance
c.    Increased mitochondria
d.   Presence of basic ground substance

25)                    Which type of collagen fibers demonstrates “Chicken wire” configuration?
a.   Type I
b.   Type II
c.    Type III
d.   Type IV

26)                    Which of the following factors are primarily contributory to the shedding of deciduous tooth?
a.   Hydrostatic
b.   Vascular pressure
c.    Oncotic pressure
d.   Masticatory pressure

27)                    Calcified tissue is absent in
a.   Enamel
b.   Dentin
c.    Cementum
d.   Pulp

28)                    The first sign of deciduous teeth as a thickening of oral ectoderm appears at about
a.   25th day of IUL
b.   34th day of IUL
c.    56th day of IUL
d.   20 weeks of IUL
29)                    The maximum rate of eruption, as the tooth cusps reach to the surface epithelium is around ………um/day
a.   100
b.   75
c.    50
d.   25

30)                    In mineralization which of the following is known as Epitaxy?
a.   Booster mechanism
b.   Seeding theory
c.    Alkaline phosphatase theory
d.   Cartier’s Adenosine Triphosphate theory

31)                    Odontoclast cells which takes part in resorption of roots are rich in
a.      Acid phosphatase
b.      Alkaline phosphatase
c.      Adenosine triphosphate
d.      Amino peptidase

32)                    Odontoclasts are found most commonly
a.   On the surface of the crown
b.   On the surface of roots
c.    On cervical region
d.   Around the whole tooth surface

33)                    Actual movement of the teeth towards the occlusal surface is
a.   Active eruption
b.   Passive eruption
c.    Both A and B
d.   None of the above

34)                    Exposure of the crown due to apical shift of the gingiva is
a.      Active eruption
b.      Passive eruption
c.      Both A and B
d.      None of the above

35)                    Submerged teeth are
a.   Deciduous teeth
b.   Permanent teeth
c.    Both A and B
d.   None of the above

36)                    In case of the permanent incisors and canines, resorption begins on their
a.   Inner surfaces
b.   Outer surfaces
c.    Lingual surfaces
d.   Labial surfaces

37)                    In case of the permanent molars , resorption  begins on their
a.   Inner surfaces
b.   Outer surfaces
c.    Lingual surfaces
d.   Labial surfaces
38)                     In case of the permanent incisors and canines, resorption begins on their lingual surfaces and later the developing tooth germ occupy a position apical to the deciduous teeth except in case of….. in which the tooth erupts lingual to still functioning deciduous tooth.
a.   Permanent maxillary central incisor
b.   Permanent mandibular central incisor
c.    Permanent maxillary lateral incisor
d.   Permanent mandibular lateral incisor

39)                    The cells responsible for removal of dentinal hard tissue are known as
a.   Osteoblasts
b.   Osteoclasts
c.    Odontoblasts
d.   Odontoclasts

40)                    Odontoclasts are characterized by
a.   Vacuolated cytoplasm
b.   Ruffled border
c.    Clear zone
d.   All of the above

41)                    Actin and myosin filaments are associated with…… of the odontoclast
a.   Ruffled border
b.   Clear zone
c.    Both of the above
d.   None of the above

42)                    Acid phosphatase activity of the odontoblasts occurs within
a.   Mitochondria
b.   ER
c.    Vacuoles
d.   Nucleus
43)                    Odontoclasts are derived from
a.   TRAP-positive circulating monocytes
b.   TRAP-positive circulating lymphocytes
c.    TRAP-positive circulating neutrophils
d.   TRAP-positive circulating RBCs

44)                    Which of the following has bone resorbing activity or
Which of the following initiate odontoclast differentiation?
a.   RANKL
b.   Osteoprotegerin (OPG)
c.    HLADR positive cells
d.   Cytokines

45)                     Which of the following inhibits odontoclast differentiation in bone absorption?
a.      RANKL
b.      Osteoprotegerin (OPG)
c.      HLADR positive cells
d.      Cytokines

46)                    The cells which was found to cover the exposed dentin surface after the odontoclast had withdrawn and before the reparative process of cementum deposition occurs are
a.      RANKL
b.      Osteoprotegerin (OPG)
c.      HLADR positive cells
d.      Cytokines

47)                     The process of tooth resorption during shedding is not continuous since there are periods of rest and repair. The repairing cells are
a.   Odontblasts
b.   HLADR positive cells
c.    Osteoprotegerin
d.   Cementoblasts

48)                     Inflammatory process during sheddin of tooth occurs in the apical migration of
a.   PDL
b.   Cementum
c.    Oral epithelium
d.   Junctional epithelium

49)                    Which of the following resists tooth resorption more than any other dental tissue?
a.   Primary dentin
b.   Predentin
c.    Secondary dentin
d.   Tertiary dentin

50)                    The factor(s) that activate(s) odontoclast is/are
a.   Odontoclast express ATPase
b.   Cathepsin K
c.    Matrix metalloproteins-9
d.   All of the above

51)                    Key role in initiating tooth resorption is played by
a.   Pressure
b.   Masticatory forces
c.    Both of the above
d.   None of the above

52)                    The remnants of deciduous teeth are most frequently found  in
a.   Permanent central incisors
b.   Permanent canine
c.    Permanent lateral incisors
d.   Permanent premolars

53)                    The remnants of deciduous teeth are most frequently found  in
a.   Upper 1st premolars
b.   Upper 2nd premolars
c.    Lower 1st premolars
d.   Lower 2nd premolars

54)                    Retained deciduous teeth are more often the
a.   Upper central incisors
b.   Upper lateral incisors
c.    Lower central incisors
d.   Lower lateral incisors

55)                    If the permanent tooth is ankylosed or impacted, its deciduous predecessors may also be retained. This is most frequently seen with the deciduous and permanent
a.   Central incisors
b.   Lateral incisors
c.    Canine
d.   Molars

56)                    Submerged deciduous tooth is mainly due to the trauma of
a.   PDL
b.   Dental follicle
c.    Both of the above
d.   None of the above

57)                    In case of metabolic disorder “ Multiple calcifying hyperplastic dental follicle”, there is excessive accumulation of
a.   Chondroitin sulfate
b.   Dermatan sulfate
c.    Heparin
d.   None of the above

58)                    The prerequisite of tooth movement during tooth eruption is
a.   Angulation of the ligament fiber bundle
b.   Bone remodeling
c.    Vascular pressure
d.   Root formation

59)                    The stimulating factors secreted by dental follicle cells during tooth eruption are
a.   CSF-1 and NFx ( kappa)
b.   CSF-1 and MCP-1
c.    MCP-1 and NFx ( kappa)
d.   OPG

60)                    Which of the following teeth are often impacted?
a.   Incisors
b.   Canines
c.    Premolars

d.   molars

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