
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Development of Tongue

I. Epithelium of tongue:
1 Anterior 2/3rd part:
-From two lingual swellings and one tuberculum impar which arises from 1st branchial arch.
- Nerve supply:
    a. Lingual nerve
    b. Chorda tympani nerve

2. Posterior 1/3rd part:
- From cranial large part of hypobranchial eminence i..e. from 3rd arch.
- Nerve supply: Glossopharyngeal nerve

3. Posteriormost part:
- From 4th branchial arch
- Nerve supply: Vagus nerve

II. Muscles:
- Develop from occipital myotomes
- Nerve supply: Hypoglossal nerve

III. Connective tissue:
- develops from the local mesenchyme