
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Oral Mucosa and it's Classification

Body cavity that communicate with the external surface are lined by mucous membranes, which are coated by serous and mucous secretions.

Extension of oral mucosa/oral mucous membrane:
Anteriorly: Lip through vermilion border
Posteriorly: Pharynx

Classification of oral mucosa:
A) On the basis of functional adaptation:
   a. Masticatory mucosa:
        Location: Gingiva, hard palate and dorsum of tongue
        - Bound to bone and doesn't stretch
        - Bears forces generated when food is chewed
   b. Lining or reflecting mucosa
        Location: Lip, cheek, vestibular fornix, alveolar mucosa, floor of mouth and soft palate
        - Covers musculature part and is distensible
        - Adapts itself to contraction and relaxation of cheeks, lips and tongue and to movement of mandible
   c. Specialized mucosa:
        Location: Dorsum of tongue and taste buds
        - Also called sensory mucosa
        - Bears taste buds having sensory function

B) On the basis of type of epithelium:
   a. Keratinized mucosa
   b. Non-keratinized  mucosa