
Saturday, August 12, 2017

Forensic Medicine MCQs: Question Set 1

Time: 1 hour Maximum Mark: 75

1. Cephalic index is important to determine the:
a. Stature
b. Cranial capacity
c. Race from skull
d. Sex from skull
Key : C

2. The degree of accuracy in determining sex from skeletal remains is best with:
a. Skull
b. Pelvis
c. Long bones
d. Sternum
Key : B

3. Age of marriage in years for a girl in Nepal without the consent of the parents is:
a. 16
b. 18
c. 20
d. 21
Key : D

4. Putrefaction is quicker in a dead body:
a. Left in open air in Dharan in summer
b. Left inside a house in Kathmandu in winter
c. Left in the swimming pool in BPKIHS in summer
d. Buried in a hill of Bhedetar
 Key : A

5. Teeth bite mark is an example of:
a. Scratch abrasion
b. Graze abrasion
c. Pressure abrasion
d. Impact abrasion
Key : C

6. The colour of a bruise on the 4th day will be:
a. Blue
b. Bluish black
c. Green
d. Yellow
Key : B

7. Rifled weapons cause marks in the :
a. Cartridge
b. Wad
c. Bullet
d. Pellet
Key : C

8. "Bakpatra" is:
a. Autopsy report
b. Witness examination
c. Account of events given to the police
d. Doctor's deposition in the court
Key : D

9. Touts services taken by a Doctor is likely to be punished under:
a. Code of medical ethics NMC
b. Medical Association rules
c. HMGN Muluki ain
d. HMGN evidence act
Key : A

10. All of the following are examples of Res Ipsa Loquitur EXCEPT:
a. Prescribing an overdose of medicine producing ill effects
b. Grossly incompetent administration of general anaesthesia by an anaesthetist
c. Mismatched blood transfusion
d. Amputation of wrong limb
Key : B

11. In any crime, as per Muluki ain, punishment is half below the age of :
a. Above 12 years
b. Above 16 years
c. Above 18 years
d. Above 21 years
Key : B

12. The chance of formation of abrasion collar is more with:
a. Bullet wound on naked part
b. Pellet wound on clothed part
c. Crush injury on clothed part
d. Crush injury on naked part
Key : A

13. The type of skull fracture which is seen in burns:
a. Fissured fracture
b. Communited fracture
c. Pond fracture
d. None of the above 
Key : D
14. The type of intracranial haemorrhage which is exclusively caused by trauma is:
a. Extradural haemorrhage
b. Subdural haemorrhage
c. Subarachnoid haemorrhage
d. Intracerebral haemorrhage
Key : A

15. Minimum quantity of the blood if lost rapidly can cause death of an adult healthy man is:
a. 1/2 of the total blood of the body
b. 1/3 of the total blood of the body
c. 1/4 of the total blood of the body
d. 3/4 of the total blood of the body
Key : B

16. The most important postmortem finding in death as a result of septicaemia is;
a. Soft and enlarged spleen
b. Dark coloured fluid blood
c. Pale adrenal cortex
d. Contracted heart
Key : A

17. The most reliable method of identification of a living person is:
a. Photography
b. Dactylography
c. Hand writing
d. Anthropometry
 Key : B

18. Type of anoxia produced by drowning is:
a. Anaemic anoxia
b. Anoxic anoxia
c. Stagnant anoxia
d. Histotoxic anoxia
Key : B

19. During asphyxia, reduction in oxygen tension causes capillary dilatation followed by stasis of blood in the dilated capillaries resulting in:
a. Cyanosis
b. Petechial haemorrhage
c. Visceral congestion
d. Postmortem fluidity of the blood
Key : C

20. Whitish crater like changes in skin is seen in :
a. Joule burn
b. Scalds
c. Anaphylactic shock
d. Snake bite
Key : A

21. Bruises under skin in the neck, bruises in neck muscles with petechial haemorrhages on face is found in :
a. Hanging
b. Strangulation
c. Drowning
d. Electric Burns
Key : B

22. Asphyxia caused by closing the external respiratory orifices by hand is known as:
a. Garrotting
b. Smothering
c. Mugging
d. Throttling
Key : B

23. All of the following are example of homicidal strangulation EXCEPT:
a. Bansdola
b. Garrotting
c. Mugging
d. Gagging 
Key : D

24. Which of the following is NOT a feature of pseudocyesis:
a. Amenorrhoea
b. Quickening
c. Labour pains
d. Enlarged uterus
Key : B

25. Least constricting force is required to cause death in hanging by:
a. Asphyxia
b. Cerebral venous congestion
c. Cerebral hypoxia
d. Dislocation of cervical vertebrae
Key : B

26. The cause of death in dry drowning is:
a. Asphyxia
b. Ventricular fibrillation
c. Laryngeal spasm
d. Vagal inhibition
Key : C

27. The shape of obturator foramen in female is:
a. Oval
b. Triangular
c. Round
d. Square
Key : A

28. Rigor mortis first appears in:
a. Heart
b. Neck
c. Face
d. Lowerlimbs
Key : A

29. Suspended animation means:
a. Irreversible cessation of heart functions
b. Irreversible cessation of respiration
c. Temporary cessation of vital functions
d. Permanent cessation of vital functions
Key : C

30. Punch drunk is a term denoting injury to:
a. Heart
b. Brain
c. Kidney
d. Pancreas
Key : B

31. The following conditions can be produced artificially in a dead body EXCEPT:
a. Cold stiffening
b. Rigor mortis
c. Cadaveric spasm
d. Heat stiffening
Key : C

32. The first external sign of putrefaction is:
a. Greenish discolouration of the right iliac fossa
b. Distension of the lower abdomen
c. Peeling of cuticle
d. Fixation of postmortem staining
Key : A

33. Part prone to bruising is:
a. Sole
b. Scrotum
c. Palms
d. Arms
Key : B

34. Leading questions are permitted during :
a. Cross examination
b. Examination in chief
c. Questions by judge
d. Re-examination
Key : A

35. In case of head injury, if on postmortem examination oozing of watery fluid from nose is noted; you should suspect a skull fracture involving:
a. Nasal bones
b. Ethmoid bone
c. Frontal bone
d. Lesser wing of sphenoid bone
Key : B

36. The incision for hanging is :
a. Same as in other cases
b. Different in chest
c. Different in neck
d. Different in abdomen
Key : C

37. Arborescent markings are seen in:
a. Electrocution
b. Fire burns
c. Chemical burns
d. Lightening
Key : D

38. The best way to detect bruises on autopsy is by:
a. Touch
b. Taking temperature
c. Cutting
d. Using torch light
Key : C

39. The normal weight of heart is:
a. 200gms
b. 300gms
c. 500gms
d. 700gms
Key : B

40. Chop wounds are injuries caused by:
a. Pointed weapon
b. Light sharp edged weapon
c. Heavy sharp edged weapon
d. Broken pieces of glass
Key : C

41. The empty cartridge case is ejected from the weapon after firing in:
a. Shot gun
b. Revolver
c. Pistol
d. Air Pistol
Key : C

42. Tyre mark on the body of a victim is an example of:
a. Scratch
b. Graze abrasion
c. Pressure abrasion
d. Imprint abrasion
Key : D

43. Burking is combination of smothering and:
a. Strangulation by ligature
b. Throttling
c. Gagging
d. Traumatic asphyxia
Key : D

44. The cause of death in immersion syndrome is:
a. Laryngeal spasm
b. Ventricular fibrillation
c. Vagal inhibition
d. Asphyxia
Key : C

45. In typical hanging knot is situated at:
a. Right mastoid
b. Under the chin
c. Occiput
d. Left mastoid
Key : A

46-49. Match the following methods with their corresponding use in:
46. Galton B
47. Bertillon D
48. Cephalic index A
49. Gustafson C

a. Race
b. Finger print
c. Age
d. Arthropometry

50-53. Match the following types of teeth with their corresponding age of eruption:
50. Second premolar D
51. Third molar A
52. Permanent canine B
53. First premolar C

a. 17 to 25 years
b. 11 to 12 years
c. 9 to 11 years
d. 10 to 12 years

54. Moral Principles which should guide members of the medical profession in their dealings with each other is known as :
a. Medical etiquette
b. Medical law
c. Medical jurisprudence
d. Medical ethics 
Key : D

55. Most frequently occluded coronary artery producing myocardial infarction is:
a. Right coronary artery
b. Left main coronary artery
c. Left anterior descending artery
d. Left circumflex artery
Key : C


56. The term “Corpus Delicti” includes:
1. Establishment of the positive identity of the dead body
2. The sentence passed in murder trial
3. Manner of committing crime by the accused
4. Imprisonment of the accused
Key : B

57. The characteristics of male pelvis is/are:
1. Greater sciatic notch is large, wide & shallow
2. Obturator foraman is large, often oval with base upwards
3. Ischial tuberocity is everted
4. Subpubic angle is v shaped
Key : C

58. In turner’s syndrome:
1. Anatomical structure is male
2. Anatomical structure is female
3. Nuclear sexing is female
4. Nuclear sexing is male
Key : C

59. Finger print patterns are:
1. Genetically inherited
2. Permanent lifelong
3. Identical in twins
4. Imparied in leprosy
Key : C

60. Rigor mortis is:
1. Delayed by heat but lasts longer
2. Delayed by cold but lasts longer
3. Hastened by cold but the duration is short
4. Hastened by heat but the duration is short
Key : C

61. Organs that resist putrefaction for a longer time is/are:
1. Prostate
2. Brain
3. Uterus
4. Liver
Key : B

62. Following injuries may indicate the direction in which the force was applied:
1. Bruise
2. Incised wound
3. Lacerated wound
4. Stab wound
Key : C

63. X-ray examination of a rifled firearm wound victim may:
1. Locate the bullet
2. Indicate the distance from which the weapon was discharged
3. Indicate the track of the bullet inside the body
4. Indicate the direction of fire
Key : B

64. Reliable sign/s of antemortem hanging is/are:
1. Dribbling of saliva from the month
2. Oblique and incomplete ligature mark above adams apple
3. Postmortem staining in lower limbs
4. A thin line of congestion or haemorrhage along the edges of ligature mark
Key : E

65. In a case of hanging, ligature mark may be absent on the neck because:
1. Hanging occurred in kneeling position
2. Ligature is made of soft material
3. Narrow ligature is used
4. Clothing is caught between the ligature and the skin
Key : C

66. Fresh water drowing causes:
1. Hyperkalamia
2. Hypernatraemia
3. Ventricular fibrillation
4. Haemoconcentration
Key : B

67. Following injuries can occur only at the site of impact:
1. Contusion
2. Abrasion
3. Laceration
4. Depressed fracture of skull
Key : C

68. Bruises are of less medicolegal value than abrasions because:
1. It do not reveal the direction in which force was applied
2. It may appear away from the actual site of injury
3. It may become visible several hours after the injury
4. It's size may correspond to the size of the weapon
Key : A

69. In a case of pseudocyesis:
1. Foetal movements can be felt on examination
2. Woman is pregnant but she is unaware of it
3. X-ray examination shows foetus parts
4. Subjective symptoms of pregnancy are present in absence of pregnancy
Key : D

70. Lucid interval is/are seen in:
1. Pontine haemorrhage
2. Subdural haemorrhage
3. Intra cerebral haemorrhage
4. Extradural haemorrhage
Key : D

TIME: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 125 (SAQ 100 & MEQ 25)
All Questions carry equal marks.

1. Write short notes on:
a) Professional Secrecy
b) Informed Consent
c) Role of police in crime investigation
d) “AngaBhanga”
e) Unidentified dead body

2. Differentiate between the following:
a) Postmortem lividity and Bruise
b) Antemortem and Postmortem burns
c) Entrance wound and exit wound in case of fire arms
d) Hanging and strangulation
e) Antemortem and Postmortem clot

3. Write in brief:
a) Microscopic changes in heat rigor
b) Registration formalities for a Doctor in Nepal
c) Process of Viscera preservation
d) Importance of constricted pupil after death
e) Spermatozoa and vasectomy

4. Write the Medicolegal importance of:
a) Ligature material
b) 12 years of age
c) Burns
d) Cut throat Injuries
e) Narrowing of left coronary artery found in autopsy

Maximum Marks: 25

1. On 10.12.99 at 3.00pm you as medical officer get a call for postmortem examination.
Q. What would you like to check in the inquest papers before acknowledging it ? 5

2. Before starting the postmortem examination you read the inquest papers, the summary of which is as follows. Deceased Name: Ram Bahadur, Age: 40 years, Sex: Male R/O: Itahari ward No. 3.
Early signs of decomposition of the body are mentioned and as per inquest paper cause of death is sudden death.
Q. List the information you would like to include in your post mortem report from the inquest papers ? 5

3. On enquiring from relatives they gave history of torture of the deceased in the police station.
Q. Write in brief about custodial death. 5

4. On postmortem examination you note the following findings External examination Rigor mortis passed off, postmortem hypostasis on back, body showing signs of early stage of decomposition Face blotted, abdomen distended, foul smell coming out of the body, skin can easily pilled out , degloving of skin of hands, veins of chest engorged. Internal examination deep bruise on face and front of chest, Extravasation of blood in left temporal region of scalp, mildcerebral edema, 3cm long fracture of anterior cranial fossa.
a. Write the cause of death. 5
b. Give your opinion about time of death, with reasons ? 5

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