
Saturday, May 13, 2017

Important SAQS and VIVA Questions From Ameloblastoma

1. Why ameloblastoma is called Adamantinoma?
   - Term 'adamantinoma' implies the formation of hard tissue. Malassez believed that hard tissue is present in that lesion but he was wrong. So, later term 'ameloblastoma' is referred by Churchill in 1934.

2. What are the cells of origin of ameloblastoma?
   -  1. Cell rest of the dental organ
      - Cell rest of Serres (dental lamina) or
      - Epithelial rest of Malassez (Remnants of HERS)
  2. Epithelium of odontogenic cyst (dentigerous cyst) or odontoma
  3. Enamel organ development disturbances
  4. Basal cells of surface epithelium of jaws
  5. Heterotypic epithelium of other parts of body like pituitary

3. What are the cells of origin of peripheral (extraosseous) ameloblastoma?
    - Surface epithelium
    - remnants of dental lamina

4. What are the histologic types of ameloblastoma?
   - Six major histologic types:
1. Follicular ameloblastoma
2. Plexiform ameloblastoma
3. Acanthomatous ameloblastoma
4. Granular ameloblastoma
5. Basal cell ameloblastoma
6. Desmoplastic ameloblastoma
7. Clear cell ameloblastoma
8. Papilliferous ameloblastoma
9. Keratoameloblastoma
10. Hemangiomatous ameloblastoma

5. Give four differential diagnosis of ameloblastoma.
   a. Odontogenic keratocyst
   b. Central giant cell granuloma
   c. CEOT
   d. Odontogenic myxoma

6. Give three odontogenic tumours that exhibit keratinization
 - 1. Acanthomatous ameloblastoma
    2. Keratoameloblastoma
    3. Papilliferous ameloblastoma

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