
Saturday, May 13, 2017

MCQs From Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumour

1. Adenomatoid odontogenic tumours are mostly associated with
   a. Maxillary molars
   b. Maxillary canines
   c. Mandibular molars
   d. Mandibular canines
Correct answer is b.

2. Adenomatoid odontogenic tumours are mostly associated with
   a.Anterior part of jaw
   b. Posterior part of jaw
   c. In bicuspid region
   d. None of the above
Correct answer is b.

3. Which is not correct for Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour?
   a. 2/3rd in maxilla
   b. 2/3rd in unerupted tooth
   c. 2/3rd in males
   d. 2/3rd in canine
Correct answer is c.

4. Extraosseous Adenomatoid odontogenic tumours are more prevalent in
1. Maxillary gingiva 
2. Mandibular gingiva
3. Equal prevalence
4. None of the above
Correct answer is a (10 times)

Some Important Questions:

1. What is hamartomatous malformation?

2. Why Adenomatoid Odontogenic tumour is considered to be odontogenic in origin?
- Because it is a benign tumour of odontogenic origin mostly associated with unerupted or impacted maxillary cuspids or canines i.e tooth bearing areas of jaws and resembles cytologically too the dental lamina and components of enamel organ i.e. odontogenic origin.

3. Mention cells of origin of Adenomatoid Odontogenic tumour.
a. Enamel organ
b. The epithelial lining of dentigerous cyst
c. Epithelial rests of Malassez of the tooth
d. Remnants of dental lamina

4. Give four clinical diagnosis of Adenomatoid Odontogenic tumour.
- a. Ameloblastoma
b. Gingival fibroma
c. Peripheral cemento-ossifying fibromas
d. Calcifying odontogenic cysts and tumours

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