
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

MCQS From Pleomorphic adenoma: Tumours of Salivary Gland

1. Mixed tumour is
   a. Pleomorphic adenoma
   b. Warthin's tumour
   c.Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
   d. Acinic cell carcinoma
Correct answer is a.

2. Pleomorphic adenoma is a misnomer because:
   a.There are myoepithelial cells which look pleomorphic but are not pleomorphic
   b. No two tumour of adenoma are similar
   c.This tumour doesn't arise from more than one cell
   d. All of the above
Correct answer is d.

3. Tumour exhibiting the ability to differentiate to epithelial (ductal and non-ductal) cells to mesenchymal (chondroid, myxoid and osseous) cells is
   a. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
   b. Warthin's tumour
   c. Pleomorphic adenoma
   d. Acinic cell carcinoma
Correct answer is c.

4. Most accepted theory for histogenesis of pleomorphic adenoma is given by
   a. Hubner and his associates
   b. Regezi and his associates
   c. Dardick and his associates
   d. None of the above
Correct answer is c

5. Most common site for pleomorphic adenoma is
   a. Parotid gland
   b. Submandibular gland
   c. Sublingual gland
   d. Minor salivary glands
Correct answer is a.

6. Most common site for pleomorphic adenoma is
   a. Superficial lobe of parotid gland
   b. Deep lobe of salivary gland
   c. Submandibular gland
   d. Sublingual gland
Correct answer is a.

7. Facial paralysis can be seen in
   a. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
   b. Pleomorphic adenoma
   c.Both a and b
   d. None of the above
Correct answer is c.

8. Myxoid appearance histologically is the feature of
   a. Pleomorphic adenoma
   b. Warthin's tumour
   c.Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
   d. Acinic cell carcinoma
Correct answer is a.

9. Most common benign tumour of salivary gland is
   a. Warthin's tumour
   b. Pleomorphic adenoma
   c.Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
   d. Acinic cell carcinoma
Correct answer is b.

10. Eosinophilic coagulum within a cyst can be seen in
   a. Warthin's tumour
   b. Pleomorphic adenoma
   c. Both a and b
   d. None of the above
Correct answer is c.

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