
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

MCQS From Warthin's Tumour: Saliivary Gland Tumours

1.  Papillary Cystadenoma lymphomatosum is another name of
   a. Pleomorphic adenoma
   b. Warthin's tumour
   c.Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
   d. Acinic cell carcinoma
Correct answer is b.

2. Adenolymphoma is another name of
   a. Pleomorphic adenoma
   b. Warthin's tumour
   c.Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
   d. Acinic cell carcinoma
Correct answer is b.

3. 2nd most common tumour of salivary gland is
   a. Warthin's tumour
   b. Pleomorphic adenoma
   c.Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
   d. Acinic cell carcinoma
Correct answer is a.

4. Age of onset of Warthin's tumour is
   a. < 10 years
   b. 20 to 40 years
   c. > 60 years 
   d. All of the above
Correct answer is c.

5. Currently accepted theory for histogenesis of Warthin's tumour is
   a. "Warthin tumour is a delayed hypersensitivity disease, the lymphocytes being an immune reaction to salivary gland duct which undergo oncocytic change.
   b. "Lymphoid component of tumour is an exaggerated secretory immune response".
   c.Tumours arises in salivary gland tissue entrapped within para-parotid or intra-parotid lymph nodes.
  d. None of the above
Correct answer is c.

6. Tumour exhibiting cyst formation with papillary projections within cystic spaces and a lymphoid matrix is
   bilayered oncocytic epithelium

7.  Bilayered oncocytic epithelium is a feature of
   a. Warthin's tumour
   b. Pleomorphic adenoma
   c.Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
   d. Acinic cell carcinoma
Correct answer is a.

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